This is a question most people leave unanswered and eventually head on to taking the hand on the face to face. This they will do for lack of knowledge on what is needed but the truth is very little is needed. It is just like any other training only that in this case, it is a virtual one.
You are doing everything online and to kick start, you search for the site you need. After carefully choosing the training school you think is fit for you, look for the online training session. If the site does not have that, then you have to look for another training school. After you have seen it, move on to registering.
This is the very first step you take. There are some things you will need to input to verify that you qualify to take the course. Most OSHA training schools will require you to upload a copy of your national identity card as well as a passport size photo of yourself. This helps them clearly see that you are not a malicious person but a genuine one who looks forward to learning. After inputting all required detail, an email will come into your account as verification that you are now a student in that particular school. A login strategy is also made, one that you will use every other time you log in as a student.
After you verified, you need to book for a trainer. The school might give you the liberty to choose from their list of trainers or can automatically assign one to you. So in the latter case, you only need to contact the assigned trainer to set some things right. You arrange with the trainer when you want to have your classes and for how long. Usually, the theoretical bit will go for at least one hour.
At this point too, the trainer gives you a quotation for the entire session’s bill. It is required that you pay three-quarter of it before the start of the session and pay the rest just before you receive the online forklift certification of completion. Some schools may have a different stand. Also, some may set the way to making payment while others will allow you and your trainer to negotiate on the means that is convenient for both of you.
This will require you to remember your student account given during the registration session. Every time head on to learning, you need to Student login. If you set more time for the learning session, then the faster the completion. A softcopy of the completion certificate is sent to you after passing the tests.
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